All Speakers Need to Submit

- Headshot (high-resolution, JPG or PNG)
- Short bio (250 words or less)
- Social media: Links to your LinkedIn and/or Twitter profiles
Solo Presenters Need to Submit

Preliminary Title & Abstract for Your Talk:
- Title: Your presentation title should generate interest while also letting attendees know what the session is about
- Abstract (description): 250 words (recommended) speaking to the presentation topic/context and what attendees can expect to learn
The information does not need to be final (as far as what attendees will see onsite at the event in October, but will act more as a temporary placeholder to give prospective audience members an idea of the focus of your talk. Deadline: Monday, August 5, 2024
Final Title & Abstract for Your Talk:
Title and description for your talk as you would like it to appear in the event app and on all onsite materials. Deadline: Monday, September 16, 2024
Presentation Slides:
 A copy of the slide deck accompanying your presentation. This will also be uploaded to the event app/online platform for attendees to view. More information on slides can be found here. Please attach any videos embedded in your slides, as well.
*NOTE* You may upload a second file or version of your slides to be uploaded to the event app/platform. Attendees will be able to access this version, so please remove any sensitive information if necessary. Deadline: 1 week before the event (Tuesday, October 8, 2024)
Marketing Guide
To get the most out of your involvement and enhance your experience at this year’s event, we have come up with some copy and visuals to use in promoting your participation.
Click here to access the 2024 Marketing Guide – COMING SOON
Thought Leadership/Content Opportunities
Examples by Past Augmented Enterprise Speakers:
- The Benefits of Early AR/VR Adoption: Interview with Flex’s Zohair Mehkri
- XR: What You’re Looking For is Already in Your Hands
- Using XR to See Underground: Interview with Arcadis’ Allison Yanites
- From the frontlines of pandemic-fueled AR adoption: Interview with Aggreko’s Walter Davis
- Top 3 Applications for Wearable Technology and Augmented Reality in the Automotive Industry